It is the eve of the first visit of our first grandchild to our home. We are ready!!! I am so ready I am sitting here googling cool grannies to see if I have missed anything. I have spent weeks getting ready. The stroller, port-a-crib, bathtub, and yes I caved in this week thinking I needed a regular crib too, diapers, intercoms, car seat... I feel like I am having my first child but with an advantage... older and wiser!
Things have changed... crib sides don't go down (not great on the back), no more bumpers ( they made the whole crib visually more attractive, I had a tough time with this one), car seats are not installed by us anymore (it took 2 visits to 2 police stations to get it right), bath tubes... very sophisticated, they have a little gadget that tells you the water temp as it keeps circulating and changing (gone are the days that you had to sit in your pee), and intercoms have cameras ( you can hear the little angel, now you can see them too). Tomorrow I will tackle the stroller to make sure that I can open it... and I can't wait to use it!!
Here is an article I found will I was searching for how to be cooler, Cool Grannies...the secret to their success in the Huffington Post. It sums it all up...being a grandparent does not make you feel old at's the new Timeless Cool!
Sorry Sherman, I have replaced your photo on my Iphone with a picture of the grandchild.

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